A complete Competency Assurance Program (CAP)
The challenge with solutions today is that off-the-shelf packaged products and programs only provide part of the solution and often do not integrate well.
We are integrated by design, offering a complete solution that covers needs across all departments involved in competency assurance.

Our service options
Do you need everything, or just supplements for an existing program? Choose from our complete menu of offerings.

Conduct Program Health Check

Design & Build It

Assess Skills

Make It Sustainable

Run It
Conduct Program Health Check

Process Review
Checklist of steps required to manage competencies to a defensible level
Interview SMEs to determine process adherence and consistency

Records Review
Determine currency of skill records, documents and competency models
Check last skill assessment dates
Check assessor qualifications

System Audit
Content management system tracks revisions and flags items due for updates
Learning system correctly configured to connect learning resources to competencies
Ability to produce reports identifying gaps and remedial learning paths

Regulatory Compliance Check
Assess competency models for inclusion of latest regulatory requirements
Compare against relevant industry codes and standards
Interview SMEs to identify actual compliance and risk areas
Design & Build It

Content Review
Analysis of learning materials, documentation, competency maps
Catalog relevant learning conten
Extract KSAs from current models
Load content into workshop tools

Construct Competency Maps
Identify KSA requirements and expiries by asset / location / context
Assign risk, complexity, frequency ratings using proprietary tools
Map technical tasks to position levels and designate pre-requisite training and competencies

Create Learning Paths
Finalize assessment criteria
Map learning materials to skills and gaps including: OJT activities, courses, reference guides, checklists & procedures

System Integration
Configure Learning and Content Management Systems
Upload competency and learning content and metadata
Assess Skills

Assess Competencies
Guide you through the process of assessing employee competencies
Provide customized tools to expedite the process

Assess Assessors
Train assessors
Check assessor approach to ensure quality of testing, observation, and judgement

Revise Assessments
Implement changes to assessment procedures and protocols to improve alignment with actual KSA requirements

Update Records
Ensure all data is updated correctly in the associated management systems
Make It Sustainable

Institutionalize Processes
Walk through the competency management process to determine where modifications are needed to ensure you remain in compliance
Recommended notifications, alerts, reports and reward systems

Assess Assessors
Identify best-in-class training sources to close gaps in your assessor learning paths
Facilitate custom development work with leading instructional design and delivery houses
Connect you with validated training providers and materials to address your particular needs and standards

Equip Assessors
Bring in industry experts to build the capacity of your assessors to apply consistent fact-based evaulations
Run It

Monitor Competency Currency
Check renewal dates for competency models and learning resources; initiate reviews ahead of expiry
Monitor regulatory changes for competency impacts
Respond to the ‘management of change’ process by checking for KSA impacts

Update Personnel Records & Produce Reports
Keep employee records up-to-date as learning and progression is completed
Respond to audit requests for information
Provide trending analysis to identify potential future gaps

Revise Assessments
Monthly, check upcoming skill expiries
Identify skill gaps (and risks) when resources leave, are on vacation, or ill

Produce Learning Plans
New employees receive clear direction regarding required learning event
Assignments applied to user profile in the LMS
Existing employees alerted about remediation requirements in advance of skill expiry along with associated learning options
Additional Help Available When You Need It

training sourcing & development
Cubit maintains a network of leading-edge subject matter experts and training providers who can facilitate the development or procurement of company-specific training.

Change Management
Resistance is common when rolling out new processes. Our Change Management experts work with your leaders to design rollout strategies that maximize acceptance, compliance, and return on your investment.

Rapid Documentation
If documentation must be created, reviewed or updated, we can assemble an army of technical subject matter experts and writers to complete the work in the desired timeframe.
Additional Help Is Available When You Need It

training sourcing & development
Cubit maintains a network of leading-edge training providers and can facilitate acquisition of what you need or commission development of company-specific education

Change Management
There is often resistance when rolling out new processes. Our Change Management experts can design a rollout strategy that maximizes acceptance.

Rapid Documentation
If documentation must be created or updated, we can assemble an army of technical writers to complete the work in the desired timeframe